Let’s see what the future holds for Saba Birman cats and their prospective owners.
To look to the future, we need to look back to the past for a moment.
At the end of 2024, 3 young females were kept. Saba Wanda, Una and Zoa are all excellent representatives of the Burmese Holy Templars with their classical values, which we are committed to preserve and improve. Along with this, 2 females have been taken out of active breeding and are now only living with us as family members. Saba Betti and Julia have also become my daughter Anna’s kittens and together with Desdemona they are now our bedroom companions.
Let’s look at the plans for 2025.
New male cat arrived in Saba kennel:
Our three young females got a new admirer in Yoshi, who came to us from the South of France. As we have been working for 13 years to make the offspring of our kittens even better looking than their already World Champion ancestors, it is a very difficult task to find a male who can raise the standard of our kittens even higher in at least some aspects. The fact is that the best Birman cats in the world are in Europe, and here too the Saba / Sabacat kennel is one of the few kennels that have proven themselves to be at the forefront of quality Birman breeding in every respect, it is a relief to find Yoshi and welcome him into our home.

2025 will be the year of exhibitions!
Three of our young females and our new male cat will compete to compete again in international cat shows, world exhibitions and Olympics, both at home and abroad! We continue to expand our achievements in the world of racing, despite the fact that we are unique among Birman breeders with the victories we have already won:
- 40 Hungarian Championship titles
- 36 International Championships
- 16 International Grand Prix titles
- 11 European Championship titles
- 9 European Grand Champion title
- 6 World Championship titles
Please note that these shows are also a great opportunity to meet us and our cats in person, both in Hungary and abroad!!!

Completely renewed website www.birman.hu
In 2024 we started a complete redesign and development of our website, which was completed by 2025. We threw ourselves into the work, sparing no effort, money or time. Its aim was to provide those interested in the Holy Church of Burma with modern, convenient access to all the information they need. Our website will continue to be available in 5 languages, serving the needs of our customers abroad.
Improvements Renovations:
Due to the temporary increase in the number of visitors, the construction of 2 new indoor/outdoor heated runways will start in the spring, in addition to the existing 4 runways . To make the daily lives of our Birman kittens even more comfortable, stress-free and healthy! The outdoor runs will greatly contribute to the development and strengthening of the immune system of our cats and kittens. While also providing them with active relaxation and a harmonious environment.
Veterinary background, screenings, use of nutritional supplements:
The Saba /Sabacat Birman kennel stands out among cat breeders not only in their show results and the quality of their cat care, but also in their careful, meticulous health care. Maintaining and improving health is our priority! We do this despite the fact that the extreme inflation we are all facing makes it very difficult to maintain and improve quality. In the background, international veterinary research, liaison, continuous and constant preventive genetic, blood and faecal screening ensure the health of our animals and the puppies we produce. This requires a quality diet, supplementary vitamins and the use of immune-boosting mushrooms and pro-biotics.
Yoshi’s full genetic screening will be published on the website. Just like all the other sting results on our Birman kittens. Just for information, although we are in mid-January 2025, we already have 9 pcs. We have been screened for Corona virus, Giardia, full parasitology. Our results are negative in all cases!
Finally, for prospective Saba Birman kitten owners, we have not raised the price in 2025!
Adopting a Birman kitten from us has not been cheap or discounted so far. I think this is understandable given the above. However, we would like to continue to make it possible to adopt a Saba Birman kitten to those who want to share their lives with these wonderful creatures, regardless of their existence, marital status, education, and geographical location, to anyone who can genuinely love them!!!

So far, Saba Birman cats have lived and proven themselves in 24 countries and on 4 continents! We continue our work at home and abroad. We will continue to help our Hungarian customers with a voluntary discount, and our foreign customers by arranging delivery.