Meet the male cat members of our family!
Darcy came to us from a well-known Italian kennel. By day two, he was a real people pleaser, and earned his place in our hearts. Darcy is a determined, friendly male cat who even has a great rapport with our female cats and his charming and direct personality can charm almost anyone. – he has retained his playfulness to this day.
He started his show career in autumn 2019 and finished as International Grand Champion.
Bonbón came to us from Spain, a beautiful, big, soft furry cat. He has a very curious and open personality, a real silky teddy bear who loves to play with his companions.
He is also very calm at shows, hardly stressing about anything. And to become European Champion, he had to show in many countries and win it 3 times in 3 countries, from 3 different judges.
október 30-án Bonbón Belgrádban a WCF Világkiállításon Európa Bajnok lett!
Our attentive, caring cat has not only won the championship, but also many nominations, including Best In Show.
Finding Yochi has been even more of a priority than before. We started in 2024, which means we have 12 years of breeding experience and breeding history behind us. For 12 years, we have worked to ensure that our Saba Birman kittens excel at the top of the world. All we expect from the new kitten is that he will raise the standard of our cats! I will not go into the background work and contacts that led to Yochi joining the Saba kennel. Once again I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to her breeder Celia.
Yochi came to our family from France. A strong-boned, large Burmese Holy Temple cat. Excellent profile, Romai nose. It also has outstanding coat quality. Saba cats have a deeper blue eye colour, but their azure blue eyes, reminiscent of Azzurro, still radiate incredible intelligence and peace. Of course, it has excellent perfect show notes. As for its nature, it is absolutely bon bon! From the first moment, he is a calm, balanced, dignified tomcat with a very pleasant energy. It’s an intimate feeling to be with him. It feels so calming, harmonious, peaceful to work with him snuggled up to me, purring as he sleeps. As soon as I speak to him, he looks up at me, or even louder from my purr. She is a simply beautiful kitty! I always feel like I have the best job in the world!