Get to know our lovely female cats better!
All currently active females, already in our kennel, are 3-4 generations of Saba/Sabacat kittens, who carry the bloodlines of our World Champion males.
These classy, beautiful female cats are the jewels of our little family with their noble bloodlines and charming charm.
Let us introduce them to you!
Sábacat Betti saját tenyésztésű cicánk, apukája a világbajnok Azzurro dei Baffi Buffi, anyukája pedig Blue Sky Doroty. Betti erős karakterű, önfejű és öntörvényű cica, aki mindig kapható a játékra és a mókára – sőt, még a porszívóval is bátran szembenéz! Karban lenni nem a kedvenc elfoglaltsága felvéve, ellenben a kergetőzés már annál közelebb áll a szívéhez.
Betti kislányunk hű kiskedvence, aki már 9 évesen (jelenleg 14 éves!) is az alábbi, szeretetteljes gondolatokat fogalmazta meg róla: “Betti egy jó természetű Biman cica, aki mindig követ. Sosem felejti el a nevét. Odafigyel másokra. Szeret enni, inni. Sosem karmolt meg senkit. Szeretnivaló macska. Amikor játszom, ott dorombol a lábamnál. Bene egy angyal lakozik. Lehet vele játszani, amikor lefekszem megnyal és elmegy a lábamhoz.”
Kimberly is our last kitten from the World Champion Moonlight Yenzo (Yoda), her mother is the also International Champion Noftetete v Blütengarten (Naomi).
Kimberly’s beautiful appearance matches the standard descriptions and like her parents she has excellent show traits. She started her show career in January 2020 and finished 2 years later, in September 2022, as National Champion.
More charming than her stunning looks is her lovely, charming personality. She is a one-man cat who is very close to her owner, and her characterful personality adds countless sweet moments to everyday life. The epitome of true, unadulterated Birman tenderness and charm.
Our everyday lives wouldn’t be the same without Kimberly’s classy, princess-like finesse – she’s an essential member of our family.
Julia’s parents are the world champion male Azzurro dei Baffi Buffi and Blue Sky Doroty, who is our first Birman cat. Julia’s characterful appearance is made all the more special by her tabby features, which are very rare in chocolate shades.
An active, attentive and playful kitten with endless curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. She loves to have fun with children and puppies, yet she is balanced and incredibly calm. She rewards people with unconditional trust and is brave at vet checks. She is a cuddly, affection-hungry individual who is eager for more petting.
And when her beloved owner was 9 years old, she described our cat Julia with these heartwarming words: ‘Julia loves being around people. She is very curious and interested in everything. She likes to taste everything. She is a very playful and clever cat. She loves to be petted and played with. She is very affectionate and loves to play and loves to play with me. When we eat at the table, she likes to jump up next to me and is not afraid to be petted while we eat. Even after saying it for the umpteenth time, she doesn’t worry about being scared or hung up on. She loves to be underfoot and knows we will pet her even while we are walking. The difference between Betti (who is my cat) and her is that Betti is more playful and Julia is more affectionate.”
Sophia is the daughter of International Champion Saba Desdemona and granddaughter of International Champion Hiset Laty Mary (Helena). Her father is World Champion Azzurro dei Baffi Buffi and her grandfather is World Champion Moonlight Yenzo Yoda.
In appearance, coat quality, head shape and build, she looks most like her dad. Her fluffy fur is a pleasure to pet, which Sophia thoroughly enjoys, and that’s why my 9-year-old daughter named her the world’s softest cat.
Balanced personality, one of our calmest cats, simply impossible to get her out of her calm demeanor. Pippa is an important part of her life, only a few days apart in age, and she loves to play with her or snuggle up with her during afternoon naps. Pippa has since retired and lives with a family as a pet kitten, but the intimate moments spent together are still fond memories for Sophia.
Kamil shares a similar bloodline with another of our cats, Saba Lana: both of them have our World Champion male cat Azzurro Dei Baffi Buffi as their grandfather and Blue Sky Doroty as their grandmother.
One of Azzurro and Doroty’s kittens is the Hungarian Champion Sábacat Betti, who is the mother of Saba Lana, and the other is Sábacat Julia, who gave birth to Saba Kamil.
She inherited the features of her grandfather, Azzurro, and is most like him in colour. Play is an essential part of her day, and even when she gets into the spirit of fun, falls don’t deter her.
She started her exhibition career in the summer of 2022, and today she is also an International Champion.
Lana and Kamil have very similar bloodlines, the two kittens have the same grandparents, her mother CH Sábacat Betti is the sister of Kamil’s mother, Sábacat Julia, who is Hungarian Champion.
Lana is a quiet, calm and sweet cat – her voice is rarely heard, but she follows our every move with attention and love.
She started her show career in the spring of 2022, where she is already an International Grand Champion and has many nominations to her name, and her breeding career started in the autumn of 2022.
Nadine is a 4th generation Sábacat kitten, her great grandmother is International Champion Hiset Laty Mary (Helena) who came to us from the Czech Republic. Her grandmother is International Champion Saba Desdemona, who is similar to her mother’s bloodline. Nadine’s dam is Saba Sofia, who is in her sire’s line, who is none other than our World Champion male cat, World Champion Azzurora.
So she is a direct descendant of our kennel’s first World Champion male cat, and the paternal line also includes our third male cat, Grand International Champion Darcy, purchased from a renowned Italian breeder. Nadine’s kittens are particularly valuable in the Birman bloodline.
She started her show career in 2022 and since then she has won the Junior Hungarian Champion and Best In The Show titles.
Una is a special member of our family, as she carries a dilution gene and is the only bloodline of our Naomi and Yoda kittens. Una is always able to bring a smile to your face with her kindness, care and curiosity. She watches your every move, is a little protector, and is also very easy to learn and extremely smart. With her cheerful personality, she is an instant hit with us and is always available for hide-and-seek and playing fetch as a great playmate. Una always tries to please her owner and bring as many happy, heart-warming moments as possible into everyday life.
Betti Sábacat is our own bred kitten, sired by the world champion Azzurro dei Baffi Buffi and mothered by Blue Sky Doroty. Betti is a strong character, headstrong and self-confident kitten who is always up for fun and games – and even brave enough to face the vacuum cleaner! Being held is not her favourite activity, but chasing each other is closer to her heart.
Betti is the faithful favorite kitten of our daughter, who already at the age of 9 (now 14!) expressed the following loving thoughts about her: “Betti is a good-natured Birman cat who always follows you. She never forgets her name. She is always on the lookout for others. She loves to eat and drink. She never scratches anyone. She is a lovely cat. When I play, she purrs at my feet. She is an angel in disguise. I can play with her, when I go to bed she licks me and goes to my feet.”
Zoa mellett sosem lehet unatkozni vagy szomorkodni: ő az első, aki izgatottan üdvözöl ha meglát Téged! Játékos, vidám személyiségével számtalan kedves pillanatot csempész a mindennapokba, és alig várja, hogy odafeküdjön melléd egy kis simogatásért, amit hangos dorombolással hálál meg.