Why is it good for you if your Birman kitten comes from award-winning parents?

It occurred to me that I should write an article about why it is wrong when prospective kitten/dog owners ignore many important considerations when choosing a pedigree kitten or dog. I get a lot of enquiries, ” it doesn’t have to be special, I just take it home”

In this article, I will try to help you understand why it is good for you if the ancestors of the pet you choose to show are successful. Basically, these considerations apply to all types of farmed pets, both dogs and cats, not just the Burmese Holy Temple cat, better known as the Birman cat.

SabaCat at the exhibition
  • 1, If we choose a purebred pet, we should preferably get what we want and why we chose that breed. I mean, if someone decides to buy 5 BMW cars, it almost doesn’t matter if he buys it in Szeged, Győr, Budapest or Milan, because the car will be more or less the same 5 BMWs. Many people believe that this also applies to farmed pets. In reality, this is a huge mistake. Even with registered pets, it is true that a cat or dog bought from a top quality kennel is a Jaguar, while you can easily get a Suzuki or even a Poodle for a bit less. Unfortunately, these pets do not have the breed’s characteristics, neither in appearance nor in their internal features. This may be true even if they have a pedigree! I see a lot of pictures of Burmese Holy Templars, or Birman cats sometimes even in exhibitions, who are almost unrecognisable. But lay people are very easily fooled.
  • 2, In my personal and professional opinion, it is not enough for me as a breeder to say that this Birman kitten is beautiful and has the same qualities as the breed standard, but it is the judge who does it. These people have been learning this for years, they go around the world judging lots of cats. So let’s convince them and let their opinion be the guiding one, not just mine! Obviously, criticism can be subjective, but the law of numbers is also true here. Each title must be awarded by 3 different judges. From the International Champion title upwards, 1 foreign show is required. For the European Champion title and above, each title is judged by a separate judge in a different country. And the World Championship title on a separate continent!!! So many people are not wrong at the same time, are they?!
  • 2 World Champion male cats: Yoda and Azzuro, our two prides, who have won numerous international awards and titles.

Our exhibition successes over the past 10 years:

  • 40 Hungarian Championship titles: these titles prove that our cats are outstanding in the national field, they have excelled in every single competition.
  • 36 International Championship titles: Our cats are not only recognized in Hungary but also internationally, highlighting our expertise and dedication.
  • 16 International Grand Champion titles: This title signifies that our cats have competed and won at the highest level, showcasing the exceptional qualities of the Birman breed.
  • 11 European Champion titles: Our cats are recognized among the best Birman cats in Europe, which is a great source of pride for us.
  • 9 European Grand Champion titles: This outstanding achievement was earned at the highest level of European competitions, showcasing our excellence in breeding.
  • 16 International Grand Championship titles: This title signifies that our cats have competed and won at the highest level, showcasing the exceptional qualities of the Birman breed.
  • 100 invitations to participate in cat shows abroad: invitations show that our cats are constantly in the spotlight at international cat shows.
  • 3, To compete a cat/dog must be in show condition and healthy. Each show is preceded by a veterinary examination! A veterinary check-up is also mandatory before any trip abroad! So a kennel, whether it is a dog or a cat, where the animals have been competing successfully for years, even abroad, is subject to regular veterinary examinations on a disqualification basis. Kittens and kittens are much more likely to be healthy! To keep them in competition condition can only be achieved with high quality food, vitamins and care. Conclusion the breeder provides his animals with premium food and care!!!
  • 4, Going to shows is extremely expensive and requires a significant investment of time, energy and investment on the part of the breeder. Sorry, but again I don’t mean those who exhibit 6 kittens 1x 2x a year in the Lurdy house and try to find a new owner at a bargain price… But to those who have been racing their cats and dogs abroad for many years. It is almost certain that these people take their work seriously! In my opinion, if so much time and energy is put into exhibitions, then presumably everything else is too. I am thinking here of veterinary check-ups, for feeding, care.
  • 5, Attending exhibitions is also a major stressor for Birman cats. If they can maintain their sweet, loving demeanour on the judging table under these conditions, we can be sure that they are animals with impeccable nerves. Again, there is a much better chance that their offspring will be Burmese Holy Templars with impeccable nerves. Who will now not only carry the external qualities of the breed, but will also have the wonderful inner qualities that only the Birman cat has!!!
  • 6, For hygiene reasons, and for the peace of mind of our Birman kittens, e.g. My Saba / Sabacat kennel does not accept visitors. So the show is a great opportunity for visitors to meet us and our cats in person. Both in Hungary and abroad!

Our 2025 exhibition plans for spring:

8-9 February Budapest Lurdy

15-16 February Rijeka Croatia WCF

March 8-9 Pope Pápa WCF

15-16 March Budapest Lurdy

May: 10-11 Hungary WCF

May 31-Jun 1: Zagreb WCF Olympics

If you are interested in our Birman kittens , please contact our kennel:

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