Does exist the Tabby Birman cat? Or the Mysteries of the Burmese Holy Temple Cat. 🙂
Fóka cirmos Birman kiscica, Seal Lynx Point tabby Birman kitten
Yes! Exists that color amoung the Birman cat breed, although officialy we call Lynx Point color. However the Birman breed is very rare and unique in the whole world, most of the big breeders has tabby color Birman cats. 🙂 In the Saba / Sabacat cattery we have excellent tabby bloodlines, which we are very proud of!
Honestly, the classic Birman cat is still the Seal Pont SBI n color, there is also a tabby version of this color. Moreover, if we want to be even more precise, the other colors also have tabby versions in this breed.
Nemzetközi Nagybajnok Darcy Fóka Pont Birman cica, Seal Point Birman cat Grand International Champion Darcy
Our cattery celebraited It’s 10 th anniversary in 2023!
The descendants of Doroty, the founder of our oldest bloodline, Sábacat/Saba Birman cat cattery, are the tabby kittens born recently and soon to be born!
Our foremother is Doroty, whose two daughters, Hungarian Champion Sabacat Betti and Sabacat Julia, we kept to continue our tabby breeding line. And Betti and Julia’s father is none other than our beautiful and extremely kind World Champion stud Azzurro!
Doroty Fóka cirmos Birman macska, Doroty Seal Lynx Point tabby Birman cat
Világbajnok Azzurro Kék Pont, World Champion Azzurro Blue Point Birman cat
T 4 alom ujjszülött kiscicái, Littet T 4 new born Birman babies
We expect the birth of Sabacat Betti’s kittens in April. Betti’s partner is none other than our European Champion Bonbón. I admit that from this pairing, I really want to choose and keep a tabby kitten girl for myself. 🙂
Magyar Bajnok Sabacat Betti Kék cirmos Birman cica, Hungarian Champion Sabacat Betti Blue Lynx Point tabby Birman cat
If you want a real rarity and want a Tabby Birman kitten, please notify our kennel as soon as possible of your intention to purchase and register for a kitten. After all, it is well known that I work with a reservation system, and you can choose from the Birman kittens in the chronological order of your reservation.
The very first birth of the year 2024 is linked to the daughter of Sabacat Julia, International Champion Saba Kamil, who gave birth to 6 kittens in February.
Nemzetközi Bajnok Saba Kamil Csokoládé cirmos Birman macska, International Champion Saba Kamil Chocolate Lynx Point tabby
We are waiting for the arrival of the kittens of her best friend, International Grand Champion Saba Lana, in March. In both cases, the grandfather of the kittens to be born is International Grand Champion Darcy, while the father is European Champion Bonbón.
Nemzetközi Nagybajnok Saba Lana Fóka cirmos Birman cica, Grand International Champion Saba Lana Seal Lynx Point tabby Birman cat
Anyone who wants a high-quality, exotic, terribly nice cat. Who is able to form an intimate, caring, loving relationship with a kitten with rare beauty, sapphire blue eyes, so don’t hesitate to reserve! Be a part of the miracle when everyday life becomes fun and unforgettable joy with one or two Birman cats. 🙂
Európa Bajnok Bonbón Csokoládé Pont Birman macska, European Champion Bonbón Chocolate Point Birman male
In essence, I was able to present the most characteristic colors and their tabby version with the photos I took of my Birman cats attached to the article. In our kennel, all the classic color variants of Birman cats and their exotic tabby versions can be born.
More information can be found on our website:
The most frequently asked question of the past year was whether to have one or two cats?
This question also preceded questions related to nutrition and vaccinations. Based on this reason, I thought I would write my professional opinion about whether I recommend buying one or two kittens.
On the top of that, last week, one of my client asked me to use rational arguments to convince her son why it is not good for a beginner cat owner to buy two kittens at the same time. Mom has run out of arguments, and of course the child doesn’t believe her anyway… 🙂
The short answer is very simple:
Her son is right!
There is no reasonable argument against buying two kittens!
Saba Harris és Saba Ludvig boldogan együtt az otthonukban. 🙂 Saba Harris and Saba Ludvig are living together in harmony in their forever home 🙂
However, there is an argument that is understandable in the case of Birman cats, and I will describe it at the very beginning of the article.
This is nothing but the price of a Birman kitten.
Of course, the Birman cat is not cheap, and it is not available on sale either.
At least not for me. However, this article is not about price training. Therefore, I would only note that if someone offers a high-quality purebred pet at a favorable price, then let’s start to be suspicious. Because the current cost is prohibitive, this is not feasible.
With this I’ve already closed the only reason against the two kittens.
Saba Norbert és Saba Parker, nem alomtestvérek. Költözést megelőzően, nálam összeszoktatva a zökkenőmentes családváltáshoz felkészülve. 🙂 Saba Norbert and Saba Parker. They aren”t from the same litter, but left my cattery in perfect harmony to move their forever home.
Let’s see why it is better and why it is recommended to buy the two kittens with a calm heart:
I write primarily about Birman cats, since I only deal with this breed.
The Birman cat is a very social creature. He doesn’t like being alone. First of all, he longs for human love.
Very important: Nothing and no one can replace human love and care!
So it is an unfounded fear that if you buy two kittens, the owner will become a “feeding machine”, as one of my subscribers expressed his concern.
Saba Paris és Saba Philip, alomtestvérek már az új otthonukban. Saba Paris and Saba Philip from the same litter in their forever home.
Two cats get along great. Changing families is also much easier for them, and they grow together in a seamless, harmonious relationship. For them, the period when the family is away is also more pleasant. From the point of view of the kittens, it is definitely a beneficial decision.
Első találkozás: Saba Vasile és Saba Klaris, aki évekkel később érkezett Németországi otthonába. The first meeting: Saba Vasile and Saba Klaris, who arrived years later to her forever home .
Saba Vasile és Klaris már teljesen összeszokva. And Saba Vasile and Klaris in perfect harmony.
I also recommend taking in the second kitten if the existing kitten is already older or not a Birman. In this case too, the experiences are incredibly good. Without exception, the Birman cat loves and accepts other cats. Unfortunately, in a small percentage, there were cases where the other cat, usually a domestic cat, did not accept the Birman cat, or it was very difficult for him to accept it. This is not more than about 1-5%. According to the owners, in those cases didn’t depend on the Birman cat either.
Saba Poppy teljes harmóniában a nálánál jóval idősebb Brit rövid szőrű társával. Saba Poppy with her older Brit short hair cat’s friend. Love for first site. 🙂
The truth is that more than half of my customers bring two Birman cats. While in the past people applied for the second kitten within 1-2 years, nowadays it is more common to have two at the same time.
The choice of two kittens is only beneficial from the owners’ point of view. After all, the two cats play with each other much more than they destroy the apartment or furniture. Some people are a little too attached to the kitten in the beginning, because when the kitten gets a new owner, the owner becomes everything. The owner will be the mother, bro, the owner…. If the two kittens stay, the owner’s job will be a little easier.
Saba Parker és Saba Norbert már a végleges otthonukban pihennek. Saba Parker and Saba Norbert (from different litter) are relaxing in their forever home.
I also encountered quite an extreme case last month. A buyer from Austria contacted me because the Austrian breeder refuses to give him 1 kitten, only if he buys another one, and the colleague had no more free kittens…. For me, this is a strong exaggeration, but we are not the same.
Of course, I am sure that many of our cats live full and happy lives with their families even as single cats. No one should have a guilty conscience because they have a kitten. In my opinion, this is a very strong exaggeration and misinterpretation of things and / or just a business ploy.
Rather, I would just like to confirm and reassure those owners who are morphing into having one or two kittens.
Feel free to jump in, two kittens are better than one!
They do good for their kittens and themselves, whether they choose the two kittens at the same time or a few years later. 🙂
To summarize my opinion:
My professional and personal opinion is that I do recommend keeping the two kittens together, whether they choose two kittens at the same time, which significantly reduces the stress factor associated with the kittens changing families, or later choose a Birman companion for their kitten.
The only counterargument can be the maximum price of a Birman cat.
Saba Unity és Saba Jasper, aki szintén később csatlakozott Unityhez Slovéniai otthonukban. Saba Unity and Saba Jasper, who as well joined later to the family in their home in Slovenia.
Birman kittens can be reserved in our kennel all year round. The chronological order of the appointment determines the order of selection from among the kittens.
If you want two cats, it is worth making a reservation for two right away. After all, later you will only be able to choose from free kittens, in the event that there is a free kitten.
Dear owners of Saba Sabacat Birman cats, please continue to share your opinions, experiences and experiences with me. After all, this is how I can best help future cat owners. I would also like to thank you for the pictures that I received from you, making this article possible. 🙂
Our youngest Birman stud Beethoven Johnnatarie (Bonbón) Chocolate Point SBI b color, 06.11.2021 was born in Barcelona, Spain. We had his complete genetic screening done in the most modern genetics lab in Australia, as is customary in our cattery.
Bonbón’s genetic test is in all point is negative.
30.10. 2022. in Belgrád in the WCF World Cat Show he became European Champion!
The top of that he became father of 3 litters already!
But let’s not jump so far ahead!
Bonbón’s selection was preceded by more than 6 months of active search. With my little girl Anna, every single day, we were looking for the right stud to replace our secound World Champion studAzzurro. In the end, we decided on Bonbó, because based on the video material we received from his breeder, we guessed that, like Azzurro, we would get a big teddy bear who is just waiting to be loved.
Luckily the reality was even better than we expected. 🙂
Bonbón is an extremely kind, incredibly gently loving cat. He doesn’t show even a tiny bit of aggressiveness or hardness. He always approaches cautiously and lies down, so he offers himself to be loved. Even his purr is soft. 🙂
He is also extramly calm in the cat shows. He doesn’t stress about anything. He eats, drinks, plays as if it were the most natural thing in the world to drive for long hours, sleep in hotels and spend whole days in a plastic tent. Between a million strangers and cats.
To became an European Champion he had to participate in many countries in many cat shows.
The cats must receive each title 3 times from 3 different judges. For the International Champion title and the International Grand Champion title, they must receive one of the evaluations of 3 different judges at a foreign exhibition.
To get European Champion Title He had to receive it from 3 different judges in 3 different countries. Titles received in the World Cat Show counts even to a different continent.
Anyway we travelled a lot, and Bombi behaved very well so we are very proud of him, and of course thankful for his breeder. 🙂
At shows, the cutest case was when the judge tried to put him on all his four legs so he could see his height, but as soon as his feet reached the table, he immediately lied down so they could pet him. The judge struggled with him for a while, then gave up, laughed and pet him. 🙂
In addition to the titles, Bonbó also collected many nominations and was awarded BEST in Show at one of the exhibitions. As I took his huge cup, he tried to take it from me right there in my hand. I put It next to him in the exhibition tent (Sturdi) where he hugged his cup with both paws and slept like that until the end of the exhibition. It was very touching. He totally seemed to know that he got it and was extremely pleased with the judge’s decision.
Bombi turns his nice caracter and his unconditional trust not only towards humans but the cat females as well. For this reason he is also highly respected by our queens. 🙂
His first babies were born from Saba Sophia whom had babies before from our stud Grand International Champion Albafeles Darcy . Her experience helped Bonbi build confidence in the art of courtship. 🙂 All our kittens from this litter have already found a home.
Why are these kitties fairies? Why is the Birman breed so special?
This article is a brief description of the Birman cat and the love that these cats can convey to their families and owners. Considering both aspects, how Birman cats can help their family’s life, and also what kind of owner and family Birman cats need.
What is beautiful to whom is extremely subjective. For me, the beauty of the Birman cat speaks for itself. The whole breed is characterized by harmony. The whole character of the breed strives for the optimum. The nose, ears and legs are not too long or short. The fur is not too long or short, thick or sparse, so there is much less hair care than in other breeds. Many consider it a hypoallergenic cat and it is officially classified as one of these cat breeds.
I refrain from such statements and do not want to sell any of my kittens as a hypoallergenic cat.
But the fact is that it is not a fashion cat and hopfully It will never be a fashion type.
Therefore, it is considered a rarity in the whole world.
The happy owner of a Birman cat is a particularly lucky person.
They are not overbred either in our country or in the world, so they have no known genetic diseases either! This security is also confirmed by the fact that the genetic screenings of the cats of the Saba/Sábacat kennel were carried out in the most modern Australian genetics laboratory, we breed with cats negative for all known feline genetic diseases.
Birman cat as an alternative therapist. The Birman cat is not everyone’s cat!
An extremely rich cat with a delicate soul. For me it is. and her beauty is not the most important thing. Even in his name, in every language, the word Holy is present. Not by chance.
They have such a special energy that being around them is extremely pleasant and soothing.
A few years ago, some psychologists found our Birman cat kennel and referred many worried families to us. Saba/Sábacat Birman kennel was recommended as an alternative remedy for children with delayed or different development, as well as with children struggling with integration problems, our cats were and are able to help overcome trauma following divorce or illness. Their achievements in reducing the passion for computer and phone games, which is so typical of our time, are not insignificant either, and they can also significantly reduce school and work stress and cure sleep disorders.
It is now a proven fact. that animals are able to help us overcome our daily problems and carry our burdens.
Why is a loving family so important to Birman cats? What kind of family does the Birman kitten need?
The Birman breed and within it the Saba/Sábacat cats have an extraordinary need for love!!!
It is clear to me that whoever is thinking about this breed and wants a kitten from our kennel, should provide him with everything that can be expected. Royal Canin food, along with the recommended additional vitamins, toys, etc. This should be natural for every family thinking about Saba/Sábacat Birman kittens.
The reason why I say that the Birman is not everyone’s cat is because of its extreme need for love!
Saba Valerian még elérhető
Many people are able to satisfy the vegetative needs of a kitten in a developed society, since the cost of keeping a kitten is not so strenuous that it can couse any problem for families.
Unfortunately, many people are not able to give the Birman cat the amount and quality of love that this breed needs!
On the other hand, the daily bread of the Birman breed is the love it receives from its owners.
No other pet can replace this care and concern. The Birman cat is an above-average social breed that feels very comfortable in the company of other cats or dogs.
But it needs to be able to sit next to the owner in the kitchen while he cooks. Or it can play with the water drops from the edge of the bathtub while you bathe, hide between your elbows while you study or work, and in many cases it can sleep with the owner in the bed.
This is especially true for the Birman kittens who are raised in the Saba/Sábacat kennel. These kittens met only love and care throughout their lives. They live in a wonderful idyllic fairy world. They have never experienced loud words or rudeness. Just lots – lots of games, petting, laughing.
You can find a lot of information about us on our official Facebook pages, Instagram or Pinterest:
In our 200 m2 house, each mother has a separate room for raising her littler in harmony. In addition, 4 external-indoor outdoor enclosures further improve the everyday life of our animals. We are constantly improving and developing the conditions.
Saba Valerian
Saba Sábacat Birman cicák életkörülményei
Saba Sábacat Birman cicák idillikus tündér világa
We welcome applications from families and owners who are familiar with this description.
Please, those and only those who feel that certain inner voice in their soul that they have found what they are looking for, what was missing in their life, should inquire about a Birman kitten in our kennel. Those families and owners who feel capable and even desire to give these sacred cats the love and care they need.
When I write this article, we still have two Birman kittens who are looking for a loving family. Saba Valerian is an exhibition, breeding-quality male, and Saba Wolfgang, who is a pet kitten, is only meant to give and receive love. 🙂 Both kittens are multi-generational Saba/Sábacat kittens, so they can boast World Champion, International Grand Champion parents and grandparents.
I emphasize this because I very rarely have a pet kitten available, I work with a reservation system, and the average waiting time is about 1 year.
Video Saba Valerian:
Of course, in the last 10 years we have had several free kittens, but these kittens were all available in show-breeding quality and price. The Saba Sábacat kennel mainly continues to sell breeding-show kittens to foreign breeders. Regardless, you can choose such a cat as a family member without any problems, if someone wants the highest quality.
Well, at this moment, I still have two free kittens for whom we are looking for a loving owner and family, but maybe by the time you read this article, we will no longer have a free kitten.
You don’t have to be discouraged by this either, as this opportunity is still considered a rarity. However, you can make a reservation at any time throughout the year.
Those who are serious about their determination and have really fallen in love with this breed, and they know it. that you want to buy from us, you should choose the reservation option.
Those who choose a partner for many years cannot be impatient, because really good things are worth waiting for.
At the end a video about W 3 litter and the available Wolfgang:
Beethoven Johnnataria E (Bonbón) has arrived to our kennel! Bonbón is a Chocolate point birman male kitten.
We’ve been actively searching for 5 months before Bonbón has arrived. It is a huge responsibility in a breeder’s life to choose the kitten that she would dare to trust the entire future of her blood line.
At the end of the day, it is the stud that is so important in a kennel. He is the one that impregnates the queens. He’s the one whose bloodline will be mixed with all the other bloodlines in the kennel.
It is an extremely difficult choice in the case of our successful kennel, which has produced Birman kittens that are healthy, very friendly, and have a well-balanced nervous system.
Our Challenges of Choosing Our New Birman Breeder Stud
It doesn’t help when it’s the case of a very rare kind of cat breed, that is bred by few people in the World, and you need to pay special attention to the family relationships, as well. You have to base your decision on photos, videos, and your personal relationships with the other Birman breeders.
With us, all of these facts are overwritten by this “inner voice”, which we base our final decisions on. At the end, my daughter and I together chose Bonbón from Spain in complete agreement.
After making the choice, the execution posed the next challenge. Arranging to bring home a cat from Barcelona to Budapest during COVID was about as complicated as circumnavigating the World twice!!!
At the end, our SPECIAL BOY has arrived!
What Is Bonbón Like?
His blood line includes Spanish and Swedish ancestors.
His an extremely big and strong kitten, with excellent fur quality. When we first met him in the hotel, he was calm and well-balanced. During our flight (remember, layover and COVID), he was pleasant and embraced the situation. We’ve been looking for him every single day for 5 months to replace Azurro, with my daughter, Anna. At the end, we chose Bonbón, because based on the videos we received from the breeder, we suspected, that he would be this big Teddy bear, waiting to be loved, just like Azurro is. When Birman Bonbón arrived, we were all very happy.
3 days have passed, and I feel likeBonbón was born here, like I was the one helping him be born, just like the girls that are going to be his mates. This was an unbelievably good feeling. I was surprised, as he was already 6 months old when he arrived. He has such an open, pleasant personality, even among Birman kittens. In this second, he’s sitting next to me on the chair and he’s purring.
It is as if he’s always been my kitten.
Our only disagreement is when I’m playing the piano, he’s trying to hunt down my fingers…
The Future Stud- Husband
He’ll be the future partner of the “3 Youngest Queens”.
It’s a lucky situation that Bonbón is the same age as our girls (Saba Kamil, Saba Lana, Saba Nadine). They’re almost the exact ages and they love playing together, play catch, or chase the “mouse”.
Bonbón has become an important and integral part of our family.
He will be able to start his exhibition and breeding career in the Spring of 2022. I hope he will charm the judges with his beauty and kindness. We can’t wait to see his shining personality in his future kittens.
If you’re interested in Birman kittens, visit for more information.
Unfortunately, time has come that I would be looking for a new home for my beautiful, World Champion Birman stud.
I still remember well when he arrived. He was almost 6 months old, even that youg age he was much bigger than average. Fearlessly, he crouched in the corner of the hotel bathroom, not daring to come out to eat. It was hard to let go of his trust, harder to befriend me than other Birman kittens. Yet I felt that once he falls in love with me, he will loves me very much. I waited patiently for the moment and tried to please her. I even asked for advice from one of my cat judge friends who suggested I should speak Spanish to him. The Hungarian language may be too strong for him after Italian, but the Spanish sound is very similar to Italian. Well, that’s how I tried. And it worked! Azzurro calmed down and day by day unfolded his wonderful inner world, his personality, who he really was.
Gyonyorű Birman cica eladó. Birman cats for sale
I guessed it, Azzurro has a very big heart. He can love me extremely subtly, not only me, but He was always kind to the girls. It’s very hard to let him go. I want to find the best home, family for him. What I can imagine for his, is either a single woman or a family with older children. A family that is not too loud, not in a hurry, living such a clean, serene life. Azzurro is also an extremely calm, lovely cat. He would never scratch or blow on anyone. It can only be an indoor cat, not to wander freely outside in the garden, I certainly won’t let him out the street. On the other hand, if someone had the opportunity to build a safe catwalk enclosed in the garden, he would most certainly be happy.
But the most important thing is not the big square and the catwalk, but the love you give. The Birman breed is basically an extremely loving breed, but some of them are even more so. Azzurro is just like that.
I am waiting for the application of an owner who recognized him for Her cat based on the description. Who cam and wants to give Azzurro the edge quality I mean here for the Royal Canin food, vitamins – what He deserves and what he used to get from me. After neutering, He can move into His new home in excellent health and condition.
It is also important for him does not have to adapt to another animal, as he is already 6 years old, I will not give him to an owner with another dog or cat. I wish for him a home where he can be the only pet where He will be the CAT.
A few sentences about why I have to make this difficult decision again and again. Unfortunately, like in everything, in breeding has many downsides too. Perhaps this is one of the hardest times to let go of the cats I’ve spent so much time with, so many shared experiences with. Especially a boy with whom we traveled the world with us. But unfortunately, I can’t keep all the kittens which were born inmmy home, nor can I keep the adults who are no longer actively involved in breeding. Azzurro is neutered for a very practical reason.
With one exception, he is the father or grandfather of all my females.
Because I only want to work with my own bloodline cats, nor do I want to inbreed them. The only way for the girls to stay and occasionally get a new male into the bloodline. That’s why He came to me at that time. Many may wonder why I don’t keep my cats neutered? Anyone who has ever visited me knows I have a huge interior and exterior for the comfort of ourselves and our animals. Nevertheless, cats require time spent with them separately and many of them are tense with each other so they live in separate rooms. With each cat, the tension between them grows and the time spent loving, caring for and playing with one cat runs out. In addition, it is now a proven fact that like all living things, cats are extremely poor at tolerating stress. For the cats, the presence of each other can be a significant stress factor. By this I do not mean the two pet cats in a family, but us, the breeders, the kennels.
The health risk also increases exponentially with the number of cats.
Yes, I kept a neutered kitten for myself, which I won’t let go, but unfortunately I can’t keep them as much as I want.
By now, I have plenty of experience feedback from owners who have taken a neutered adult kitten from me to be able to integrate beautifully and live a truly full happy life in their new home.
Who wants to receive, pamper and love Azzurro. Please write here:
Beautifol World Champion Birman cat for sale
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