Opinions from associations

SábaCat Cattery tenyésztője és a WCF elnöke Anneliese Hackmann

Our professional organisation memberships

SábaCat Cattery is based in Hungary, so we thought it was only natural to join the largest cat breeding association in the country, Macskamania, here we are called Sábacat. We also joined the international WCF system: under the Saba name. In the picture we are with WCF president Anneliese Hackmann:

We were very honoured to be invited by Royal Canin to the first International Cat Breeders’ Conference in 2017.

Two breeders from Hungary were invited to this event, where 200 top breeders from 31 countries from all five continents could participate. Four of us were Birman breeders.

In addition to breeders, the participants included the world’s leading research veterinarians and the WCC Presidency, which includes the 6 largest world organisations such as WCF, FIFE, TICA, CFA.”

Opinions from associations

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